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Tuesday, May 22, 2012 - Empowered and Informed Love, Dating, Marriage and Relationship Advice for Women - Empowered and Informed Love, Dating, Marriage and Relationship Advice for Women

Here is an update on the deadbeat dad that many seem to have in their lives. You would think that after four years behavior would change or that this particular DEADBEAT would feel ashamed of himself for his actions or lack there of. We have seen this particular deadbeat break the law while stomping on the hopes and joys of his own children all in the name of vanity and pride. Not to mention that this social reject stays behind the computer himself and stalk women who are 10-15 years younger professing that he has a business that has not generated an income since 2007. Let’s not talk about how you can google this fool and see his privates and pictures of himself in compromising positions. Let’s not talk about the letters that he writes to the Department of Human Services to obtain food assistance using the names of EVERY female he meets and uses the profits to buy hotel rooms and get his own rocks off of cam girls from out of town that don’t know any better. A social misfit that sits behind the computer stating that he is in the adult entertainment industry but done even know how to work Microsoft Office or spell. It doesn’t matter to Fruit Punch because he shows it to children as he whispers in their ear, “this is my legacy and it is for you.”

He waits until all adults are out of the house to stalk the 13 year old while he is online playing his Xbox with friends with his embellishments. He knows full well that after threatening bodily harm to the mother of his children and caregiver, along with the assistance of his live in lover as well through text and harassing emails, that any sane person would not allow their children to be placed in a harmful environment. But this wolf in sheeps clothing promised that they will be coming to stay with him and his whore of a failed mother for spring break all to brag about the new home that they will destroy. IN THE GHETTO once again. Funny thing is….. the children know that he is full of it because they know the truth. They just want video games because that is all that he has to offer. A one year membership. I mean come on son…. the boy almost got stabbed and was in the middle of you and the 250 pound felon in a heated argument the second day in a row.

This guy has spent the last five years “getting his life together” as he professes to build an empire for all FIVE of his namesakes. A 42 year old man who refuses to use condoms and impregnates women from state to state tossing them and his spawn aside. He beats women and then blames them for making him do it. He has never owned a thing in his life, discharged from the army dishonorably, and will not even visit his mother who is stricken with cancer. He will take a bus to New York, North Carolina, and New Jersey to chase a porn dream that will never happen. He pays no child support for any of his kids but he manipulates them. He tries everything in his power to turn them against their mothers or guardians. The very people who is doing his job, raising his children, motivating, feeding, nurturing. He damns everyone because he is a big skinny LOSER! Sam harbors criminals, cheats the government for public assistance and makes $60 annually but refuses to buy a book or socks for his sons, let alone tampons or training bras for his two daughters.

This loser and his side hoe have since moved from their roach infested apartment in the belly of the ghetto and onto another ghetto with her children in which he supports. Buying a new Ipad is more important than getting his son a shirt for the JROTC dance. Go figure. But this chauvinist pig will happily get on the phone and promise his sons the world….. boots, debit cards, a day out with them, all empty promises never fulfilled. And you guessed it, he tries in every attempt to turn the boys against their mother or embed lies into minors heads as to why he is such a DEAD BEAT!! He is so predictable. He hasn’t been in contact since his children fled his home in fear for their lives at 10pm and had to stand across the street at a cemetery to be picked up. The FELON Nicloe hoe Damon was trying to stab him. As her kids are used to the ciaos, these two idiots did not realize that the other two boys were gone. It took them ten minutes, a blunt, and the police questioning to realize that they have had ten too many domestic disturbances at their residence. Child protective services had their eye on them the whole time. Now who is negligent?

Question: If your ex calls you and threatens you repeatedly along with his live in convicted child abuser and felon, damns your dead family members, and hasn’t paid child support in over five years consistently (video games do not count), how would you react?

BEWARE of the Pedophile and Internet Stalker... HIDE YOUR KIDS AND HIDE YOUR WIVES....

Samuel Gibson is on the Prowl!  

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